Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Here is a photo of Olive's Billboard. She is currently in two locations in Charlotte, on independence and also 3rd st near the hospital. Look for her coming on 77 sometime. Olive is helping build the castle with the boys.

trip uptown via the train ine of may 08

I have not corrected this photo yet, but it is so pretty I had to put it up anyway. Olive on a fish tail.

Instead they used the fountain for running and jumping.

We went to a park that usually has a fountain kids can play in. It was to cold anyway, but with the water restrictions it was not working. This is what Ethan thought of that.

The kids LOVED the train ride.

One Saturday we decided to go uptown. Our destination was speed street BUT only for the corndogs. When we got up it was raining and very chilly for NC in may. But we thought it was an adventure.

ethan's graduation may

I took the kids with me one evening when I was finishing up a photography job. The light was so nice I had to take some pictures of the kids. I also LOVE the big trees.

Ms. Beth and Ms. Jennifer.

Here the class just finished saying all of the books of the bible. Ethan can still say them!!

This is Ethan on his Graduation from Pre-K......yep, everything is a big deal....even Pre-K. Ethan's best buddy Carter is in the white sweater. After the first week they could no longer sit together because all they did was talk and talk and talk and not listen. They also loved to play power rangers on the play ground which got them into lots of trouble as well, but overall just had a blast together.

Olive got into my make-up

THis is a funny story, Olive has been taking her naps in my bed, because she always just plays and looks our her window if she is in her room. Usually she goes down well and sleeps, or so I thought. On this day however, she climbed up my dresser played with the makeup and then put it all back on top of the dresser when she was done. When i went to get her from her nap she finally looked like me only it was before I fixed my

Olive at dinner time, she was telling such an interesting story while eating her grapes...these are the moments I like to remember...the everyday ones I get to see but soon forget.