Sledding at the
Haenel Ranch. Jessica will give anyone a push down the hill.

You have to walk at least half way, and daddy will give you a ride the rest of the way.

Winter Picnic at the
Arndt ranch. Venison
hot dogs for everyone.

Beans cooked the way they were made to be cooked.

The real ice box.

Of course we splurged on

It would not be a fire without
marshmallows, they were frozen of course, so it takes a little more time to get them melted.

Sledding is always fun.

Olive is having a good time.
SHe never even said she was cold. I on the other hand kept my comments to myself.

waiting waiting waiting

oh, that fire feels nice.

Olive LOVES to eat snow.

She also liked to see her name written in the snow.

Ricky even gave a few rides.

To bad
pappa had to walk along the entire time as well.

Olive also loved to throw the snow.

Here it comes.

Ethan loved how deep the snow would get and he would make paths for Olive to walk in.

Here is the fish Ethan caught while ice fishing. He ate it the next day, thanks to grandma Milly.

Olive helped clear the snow.

Here is Ethan keeping warm while he waits for his tip ups to pop up.

Ethan has to drag his game out to the car. Good thing the snow is pretty clean.

Snow men are only made on days the snow gets a little warm, so we had one day for that and they had fun building snowmen at Auntie Jessica and Uncle Jess's place.
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