Friday, August 01, 2008

the FAIR

Olive loves her shadow. She loves to try and catch it and to also try to get yours. It is pretty cute.
I think Ethan's went as far as papa's...or not quite

The swing

Opps, that was just a warm up swing

If he starts young enough maybe it will not be such an awful game when he is older....?

Corn dogs with gobbs of Ketchup, and of course a chocolate shake.

The girls loved this one.

Ava's ticket

"Olive, show me your ticket" and this is what I got.

Tickets please

Ava and Olive are watching Ethan, in the top right corner, he is flying.

Thanks auntie Ericka for going on the rides with us.

Nanna took them on the ferris wheel.

is this heaven?

Hangin with the pigs

The sheep are soooo soft

The girls can't get enough

Ethan is reading all the sheep's names

Olive does always befriend strange things. Here she is with the earless goat, and loves it all the same.

To the FAIR

Picking flowers for Nanna

We just think this sign if really really funny.

Feeding Saulie apples, not the expensive ones nanna, just the ones full of pesticides from the tree.

Ava and Ericka

one of my favs

The Koch family.

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