Friday, August 01, 2008

June NC 08

I only made it to the beach for 2 hours. I am not counting this trip as a beach vacation. I really wish I could have stayed and played with the kids more.

The morning we left we got up at 7am and went out to the ocean. As you can see the sun has just risen and we were having fun with the shadows.

They did net a few little fish. It was quite fun.

Building sandcastles. I think Auntie Ericka helped with this one.

Ethan LOVES the ocean.

We finally got on the beach. It was evening, but still nice.

We stopped at a fruit stand and got some strawberries and blue berries. They had great flowers and tomatoes as well

We all went to Beufort NC (everyone MUST go there). I had a wedding and worked but the kids did get a little beach time. The weather was rainy all weekend, but kids can even have fun in the hotel room. Olive in the tub and Ethan jumping on the beds

The grounder

The throw

Nanna came for a visit and the kids actually get bathed and lots more night time stories. Thanks Nanna

The Evil Eye. I told Olive NO and this is the usual stance.

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